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Ecotherapy Intensives

Ecotherapy Intensives are a good fit for folks who benefit from longer session times or crave to offer their targeted attention on a particular issue, theme or question in their life.

Intensives offer an opportunity to set clear intentions for our work together. They can be a refreshing alternative to the rhythm of weekly therapy sessions or can provide the needed jumpstart of progress in an area of your life.


Some example themes include:

  • Building or deepening your Ecological Self (relationship with the natural world)

    • Includes repairing your relationship if Nature has been a source of disconnection, overwhelm or pain

  • Aligning your values and needs with work or identifying a meaningful path/sense of purpose in life

  • Understanding and increasing acceptance towards your particular flavor of Neurodivergence

  • Creating a balanced and meaningful work life as a therapist or helping professional 

  • Navigating life transitions, exploring gender identity, shedding old roles i.e. "people pleasing",  perfectionism, avoiding conflict etc.



What we call the beginning is often the end,
And to make an end is to make a beginning,
The end is where we start from.

                                   -- T.S. Eliot

Consultation (20 mins) &

First Session (60 mins)

We begin with a consultation to determine if the intensive format is a good fit for you (if we determine it is not, you won't be charged).

Here, we will schedule our first session for either virtual or in office therapy. In this session we will deepen our understanding of your goals, what might be stuck points and what you're deeply longing for. We will also prepare for your remaining outdoor sessions.


Severance - Second Session (90 mins)

We begin at the end. Yes, you read that correctly! In the Rite of Passage model, we bring our attention first to what no longer fits or is adequate to the life stage you are in.

If your life were a garden, new growth would not be able to take root in soil overgrown with old perspectives or ways of being that inhibit your garden's fullest expression. Endings help prepare soil in need of new growth and here, we look closely at the current soil of your life before getting curious about new growth.

In this session, we will also befriend the land where we will be working and I will provide experiential prompts to support you to connect with the natural world and deepen into your unique stage of Severance.


Threshold - Third Session (90 mins)

This session will build on our previous outdoor work and deepen into your unique themes. The Threshold session represents the gap between what was and what will be, some call this the "liminal" space. We will continue to partner with the natural world to guide you in this in-between time. While we may befriend mystery and unknowing, this stage is a particularly rich time for insights.


Incorporation - Fourth Session (60 mins)

Our final outdoor session is focused on supporting you to integrate what we've explored thus far together and incorporate ("to embody", "in"+"corpus") the experiences and insights you've gained into practices and new ways of being. You will leave this session with tangible nature practices to continue beyond our time together to support your ongoing incorporation.

Image by Sébastien Marchand


Ecotherapy intensives reflect the true value of the work we do together and the freedom we have to cover any and all topics, without being beholden to the medical model of traditional therapy.

My fee of $1250 includes all of the services in the intensive package.

I respectfully acknowledge that the land on which I work, live, and practice is the traditional unceded territory of the Monacan Nation. 

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